salam..seperti yg dh state kt title tu,'what a friend for'..sume org ade punya kawan msing2..mcm2 istilah kite ltak untuk tunjukkan betapa akrabnya kite dgn seseorg yg kite aggp kwn baik,mcm mmbe kmceng,mmbe kawteam, bff(best friends forever) and ade jgak 'kesayangan'-hehe..sape la ni kn :)
tapi,pnah x kite pkir or expect yg kite x kn dpt replace tmpt best friends kite ni..sbnrnye kite mmg ssh nk jmpe org yg boleh ngam ngn kite..x sume org boleh accept kite..mcm tu lah ape yg sy rse skrg ni..
dulu,one of my friends,pesan jgn rsau kt our friendship,sy mmg rsau..bukan sume org mcm kwn kite yg ade skrg ni..until now sy x jmpe lg mmbe bru to be one of my best friends kt kmpus ni...sgt sedih ok..feels like i'm loser..dimana ye kwn yg btol2 bleh lpak kt ktil n baring same2..mnyenangkan kite bile bersedih or risau..uitm jgke je yg sy jmpe semue tu..and i'm grateful because i have this kind of friends..
it's totally differs right now,smenjak sy dduk dkt AYAM ni(jgn slh fhm ye, short form for apartmen yayasan melaka la) sy cume seorang je pergi ke kmpus(dekat je..) tp x best la..sorang2..dan sy rse sy amt berbeza lau nk dibandingkan mse zmn kt utim low profil,x cmpur sgt ngn classmates...lau ade pon dgn mmbe group assignment mcm ade rse mls nk bcmpur ngn org..mmbe baik sy dri jke pon diorg sume tu x sme course ngn sy......bile fikir dan fikir,sy slalu muhasabah diri,maybe this is the right time to be independent and move on through my own way..
last,sy suke poem ni..
friendship is love but not in love
friendship is a secret never to be told
friendship is a shoulder to cry on
friendship is not having to say sorry but do
friendship is not judging no matter what
friendship is someone to run too when things are tough
friendship is a hand to hold when things are so rough
friendship is someone to laugh with not at you
friendship is just knowing they are there
my friend is all of these hope you have one just like her.
kite memang selalu gduh kn kesayangan.. |
p/s: ignore saja grammar itu..only use broken English :)